It has been a great privilege to serve as President of NBCSN in 2022. I look forward to serving the Board as Past-president and leading our strategic planning next year. Please welcome your new President, Cindy Hiltz, who will continue to lead our success in 2023. It’s going to be a wonderful New Year!
During this season of celebration, gratitude, and peace, I reflect on what a successful and busy year it has been for NBCSN.
Celebration: Congratulations to every NCSN who has earned this distinguished credential this year by passing the certification exam (not easy, right?) or recertifying (also not easy!). NBCSN is elated to boast that in 2022, we now have over 5000 NCSNs/NCSN-emerita!!!! FANTASTIC! Yet, this achievement also reminds us that this prestigious group represents only a small portion of practicing school nurses. Please help us by recruiting and mentoring your colleagues to become certified in 2023.
Check out the November 2022 issue of NASN School Nurse, for a helpful article, National Certification in School Nursing – Frequently asked questions. You can use this information to encourage your colleagues to get certified and to advocate for recognition of the NCSN credential in your district.
Gratitude: I am sincerely grateful to Lori Anderson, who has finished her second (and last) three-year term on NBCSN. Lori has provided invaluable leadership in almost every role – President, Treasury/Secretary, Outreach Committee Chair, and more! Though we will continue to volunteer Lori for various special projects, we wish her all the best in her “untirement”!
NBCSN thanks YOU for advancing the specialty practice of school nursing – through leadership in school health, promoting the health of school communities, and supporting every student in your care. You make a difference in the lives of children. What’s better than that?
Peace: As nurses, we are always busy taking care of everyone around us. During the hectic holidays, please take some quiet moments to nurture yourself. Give yourself the gift of a little time out to do something restorative for your body and soul.
Wishing you much celebration, gratitude, and peace this Holiday Season and all the best for a Happy New Year.
Robin Robin Shannon
NBCSN President