NBCSN has seen the exam candidate and recertification applications in 2020 stay relatively flat. This was a successful year considering the impact of the pandemic. The NBCSN board made the decision to move forward with launching several new exam preparation materials which helped NBCSN recover any losses related to lower than anticipated exam applications submitted. Overall, revenue increased by 6.4%.

The NBCSN board typically meets twice a year face-to-face. Face-to-face meetings were cut from the 2020 activities and all board meetings were moved to a virtual setting. This contributed to some savings as NBCSN saw expenses come in 4.4% lower when compared to 2019.

Recertification rates decreased for 2020. All NCSNs who were due to recertify between March 15, 2020 – December 31, 2020, were provided a 6-month extension in reaction to the difficulties faced in earning credits during the pandemic.

For 2020, the number of certification exam applications received dropped by about 3.4%. The drop in applications is a direct result of the pandemic and the additional work placed on school nurses to keep their communities safe and healthy. The pass rate for the 2020 exam was 80.1%.