Hello! I am Robin Shannon, President of the National Board for Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN) for 2022. A big shout out to Brenna Morse for her inspired leadership as NBCSN President in 2021. Thanks Brenna!
On behalf of NBCSN, we thank each of you for all you do for school nursing and to keep our school communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted our work and lives so significantly. NCSNs have more than proved their leadership, clinical acumen, and public health nursing expertise during these extraordinary times. YOU ROCK!
Let me introduce you to our hard working and ever-smiling NBCSN Directors:
- Brenna Morse from Massachusetts is Past-president and leads Strategic Planning.
- Cindy Hiltz from Minnesota is President-elect and chairs the Succession Committee.
- Lori Anderson from Wisconsin is Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee.
- Eden Donahue from California is Chair of the Examination Committee.
- Keisha Major from Maryland is Chair of the Recertification Committee.
- Ines Fusco from Massachusetts is our public member and chairs the Quality Committee.
- Jinsun Baek from Illinois is the Outreach Committee Chair.
- Lynette Ondeck from Washington, NASN Vice-President is our NASN Liaison.
- Ann Nichols from NC is our liaison for the State School Nurse Consultants.
- Pat Krin from Connecticut is our stalwart and dedicated Executive Director.
- Theresa Field-Broboski is our amazing Account Manager from Association Headquarters in New Jersey.
Collectively, we bring a wide variety of school nursing expertise and professional experience to the Board and are proud to lead NBCSN into a healthy future.
The mission of the National Board for Certification of School Nurses is to advance the quality of school health services by providing a rigorous national credentialing process to validate school nursing competency based on professional standards.
To that end, 2021 was a successful year for NBCSN! 728 nurses sat for the NCSN exam last year and 511 passed (70% pass rate), 477 got recertified, and 62 became NCSN-Emeritus. So, at the end of 2021, we now boast a total of 4802 NCSNs and 400 NCSN-Emeritus!!! But as you can see, that represents a small percentage of school nurses in the country. Please help us to grow our ranks by supporting school nurses in your circles to become certified this year!
To increase NCSN candidate success, we are pleased to report that NBCSN sold a total of 975 of our School Nursing Certification Review Book (electronic and print total). This is an enormous benefit to the success of candidates and to NBCSN as non-profit organization. Thanks to Janice Selekman and Robin Cogan for developing this wonderful exam prep resource.
We look forward to seeing you at NASN 2022 in Atlanta (fingers, wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and eyes crossed!). Please stop by to say “Hi!” at the NBCSN booth in the Exhibit Hall and join us at NCSN Recognition Reception!
Best wishes from NBCSN for a less contagious, happy, and successful 2022!
Yours in service,
Robin Adair Shannon