NBCSN issues an annual report for the previous calendar year each June. This report is for 2018. NBCSN has seen the exam candidate and recertification applications in 2018 increase by 24% and 17% respectfully. This has been viewed as a result of investing more in marketing efforts for the exam and the state liaison program. Total revenue increased by 16.2%. NBCSN is researching new programs and offerings that would diversify income sources. The NBCSN board meets twice a year face to face. One meeting is held in conjunction with the NASN Annual Meeting and one meeting is held in conjunction with exam development activities. Administrative expenses were higher in 2018. This was a result of as NBCSN investing in several large improvement projects. These projects included the rebranding of NBCSN, overhauling the NBCSN website, and transitioning to a new management company and database platform. All of these projects were implemented to provide better service to current and potential NCSN’s. NBCSN also invested more in the marketing of the NCSN exam. This investment has proven to be successful as the number of NCSN candidates and recertification applications increased by 24% and 17%, respectfully. NBCSN saw an increase of exam applications submitted and accepted. The increase in applications is believed to be a result of increased marketing efforts and the state liaison program. NBCSN has returned to the NASN meeting with a booth presence and the awards reception. Recertification rates have increased. This is a result of more NCSN’s in general, and of those who are certified, more are choosing to stay certified. There was a spike in August 2018 due to the transition to a new database and certification platform. This trend of increase in exam and recertification applications is expected to continue for 2019.