The National Board for Certification of School Nurses was collectively shocked at the events occurring on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021. We condemn the President, legislators, and all groups and individuals involved who aimed to, and did temporarily interrupt the democratic process, threatened the safety of those in the Capitol, and whose actions have thus far resulted in the death of five people and injuries to many others.
We were further dismayed to learn that nurses were involved in the illegal activities and destruction as well as planning and promotion of such events. We are also disappointed in the timid messaging from some other nursing organizations regarding these events and participants. The National Board for Certification of School Nurses writes today to reaffirm to NCSNs that we stand firmly against violence and sedition, and that nursing has no room for the hateful ideologies that fueled the events of last Wednesday, including but not limited to anti- Semitism, racism, xenophobia, and white supremacy.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind our NCSNs of the NBCSN Code of Conduct, which is available for review here, and confirm that participation, planning, or promotion of acts of violence, threats of violence, and insurrection are in direct violation of this code that NCSNs must adhere to in order to keep their NCSN credential. The NBCSN respects and supports first amendment rights, including the right to protest, but involvement in criminal activity will result in disciplinary review. All NCSNs should consider how they may best support their school communities through this exceptionally challenging time, which may include self-reflection on past statements or actions and recommitting to taking positive steps toward a future in which all Americans have equal opportunities to thrive.
The NBCSN looks forward to a peaceful transition of power to the incoming administration, and the implementation of policies that will prioritize and support the health of the nation.